Saturday, January 31, 2009

Err, Beijing, Japan Or Korea? You Choose :D

It all started on this one night, on Wednesday, ermm 28th January to be exact. I had a conversation with Anisah (yeah, i like her, don't be jealous Farah ;p) on Yahoo Messenger, or should I say YM? Well, it doesn't matter at all.

So, here it began, the story of my soo-called-holiday-picture that i put on Myspace,

Anisah: Sumpah lawa gila gambar ohh.
Me: Huh?
Me: Sape2?
Anisah: Atikah laa.
Anisah: Asal private!!!!!!! (she was angry huh? haha ;p)
Me: Ohh buruk la (honestly, it was only a typical picturee)
Me: Okayy fine, Anisah request, so Atikah tak private la.

Then, I started to receive comments on that pic from my dearly friends. Everyone was just like,

"Atikah, where did you go?"
"Is it Japan? Korea? It looks like Beijing (well, this came from Farah)
I was some sort of shocked, I felt like it was kinda funny though.
And I answered all those question calmly with,
"Err, Nowhere?" Haha ;D

Well, just go to Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur to see the scenery, people!

Ohh yeah, here is the picture. See, nothing special laa.



1 comment:

  1. haha...
    but seriously gbr tuh betul2 cantik..
    hahha...anisah2 ape nk jd.
