Monday, January 26, 2009

Love Letter

dear sweet lover,

i want you to be mine forever and always (forever and always same meaning la kan?ahha),
i want you to stand by me during the times that can bring me memories,
i want you to make me look good,feel good,
inside and outside (inside??)
but now,i just need to focus on my studies
i'm sorry,
i guess we just have to wait till we continue our love story
but i promise you,
i'll do whatever it takes to make you mine
i want you to know that i'm struggling for you,
my final last words,after this PMR is over,

u'll be mine NIKON D60!
take my word syggg! :D



  1. Nikon D60 lg. haihh, farah.


  2. aku pk ape la farah nih
    buat suspens je...
    that can wait ok...
    study first
    bersama2 la kte mengharungi:

    laut berapi...
    rumput berduri...
    gunung tinggi...

    aku x nk sambung
    sabar la ye

  3. canon d60??
    bia btol, canon E lahh,
    haha! me too sygg!
    NIKON D60!!
